Why Incremental?
Reactive computations made simple
Incremental offers a simple API that lets you write computations in a simple, all-at-once way, while getting the performance of a manually optimized, on-line algorithm.
Incremental can help you build:
Large spreadsheet-style calculations that react efficiently to changing data
Views in GUI applications that efficiently incorporate new data
Online versions of existing combinatorial algorithms
and much more. You can see how Incremental is applied to building JavaScript-based web UIs via our Incr_dom library and js_of_ocaml.
Extensive, well-documented API
Incremental’s powerful primitives are exposed in a rich, well-documented API.
Rigorously designed
Incremental is based on Umut Acar et al.’s rigorous model of self-adjusting computations.
open! Core_kernel
module Incr = Incremental.Incremental.Make ()
module Incr_map = Incr_map.Make(Incr)
(** Given a map of entries with timestamps,
incrementally compute a map containing
only stale entries. *)
let stale_entries entries staleness_delay =
let open Incr.Let_syntax in
Incr_map.filter_mapi' entries
~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data ->
let%bind (entry,time) = data in
let when_stale =
Time_ns.add time staleness_delay
match%map Incr.at when_stale with
| Before -> None
| After -> Some entry)
Getting Started
$ opam install incremental
open Core.Std
module Inc = Incremental_lib.Incremental.Make ()
API Documentation
Related libraries
- incr_select: library for handling a large set of incremental outputs from a single input. (docs)
- incr_map: helpers for incremental operations on map-like data structures. (docs)
Learn more
API Documentation
“Seven Implementations of Incremental”
Yaron Minsky’s talk about the design process that led to Incremental.